Harley Davidson’s dash warning lights will alert the rider to potential problems. Today, we want to take a look at what some of these warnings mean and how you can avoid them by listening to them.
What Do The Different Harley Davidson Dash Warning Lights Mean?
There are several different Harley Davidson dash warning lights that can come on while riding. Here is a quick guide to what they mean:
Red Light: Low Fuel Warning – If you want to make sure your car’s headlights are always on, install our light detector. Once it’s installed, the light will turn on if the fuel level gets too low, so you’ll know to fill up sooner rather than later!
Amber Light: Turn Signal Indicator – When your turn signals are activated, a light comes on next to the gear. Turn them off after making a turn so you don’t get pulled over.
Yellow Light: Engine Temperature Warning – If the engine begins to overheat, this light will turn on. We recommend you stop and park before continuing so you don’t risk damaging your bike.
Green Light: Cruise Control Activated – When you see a red light on your vehicle’s dashboard, it’s to remind you to disengage cruise control. The light automatically turns off after you’ve stopped for a few seconds.
Blue Light: Security System Activated – Whether riding a motorcycle or scooter, having the security system armed is a hazard. Before getting started, be sure to disarm the system.
What Should You Do İf You See a Warning Light On Your Harley Davidson Dash?
Harley Davidson has some warning lights to warn you of specific things. These lights vary depending on what type of problem the bike is experiencing. For example, if you see a turn indicator light, that means your bike needs to be up to five degrees or 15% over when you are turning. There’s a guide right here with everything you need to know about the different warning lights.
Red Warning Light: There’s no question that serious problems requiring immediate attention will cause a lot of stress. Stay calm and check the Owner’s Manual for specific information on how exactly you should proceed.
Yellow Warning Light: When it comes to driving, there are certain things that you’ll have to watch out for. One of those is an especially bright yellow warning light that should be noticed when driving. If the problem still persists after following the Owner’s Manual, pull over and shut off your engine.
Green Warning Light: Green lights are there for you to use without needing to take any action. If you do see a green light, it just means the vehicle has turned on its headlights.
Sometimes it can be difficult to know if your motorcycle is healthy. Harley Davidson dash warning lights are there to help you keep track of the health of your bike and make sure that you’re always on top of anything potential issues. While some lights may just be indicator lights, others may be more serious and require immediate attention. If you ever aren’t sure about what a light is telling you, don’t hesitate to consult with one of your local Harley-Davidson dealers or mechanics.